1469 Maharis Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23455


Garages & Hardscape:
Detached Garage or Carport
Energy sources:
Geothermal Heat Pump (EER 15+)
Walk Score Value:

Sage Features (eco & smart)

Sage Score:
The Sage Score is a measure of a home’s overall features. 30
Livability Categories:
Cost Savings. Features which reduce the maintenance & utility costs Cost Savings
Eco-friendly. Has a reduced impact on the environment Eco Friendly
Market resale potential. Has features often equated with a premium resale value Market Resale Potential
Potential Benefits:
- Cost Savings averaging 30% to 70% on heating, 20% to 50% on cooling, and potential savings of $400-$1500/year.
- Eco Benefit of geothermal power is that it is considered a form of renewable energy.

Geothermal Heat Pump (EER 15+)
- Cost Savings average 20% to 45% in total energy used.
- Eco Benefits of decreased green house gas emissions of up to 44%.




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