23227 Morning Dove Bend Ln, Spring, TX 77389


Living area size:
Building year:
Interior Finishes:
Pre-Finished Flooring
Water Efficiency:
Water Filter System
Smart Technology:
Home Automation System
Walk Score Value:

Sage Features (eco & smart)

LEED Gold, LEED Certified
Sage Score:
The Sage Score is a measure of a home’s overall features. 100+
Livability Categories:
Cost Savings. Features which reduce the maintenance & utility costs Cost Savings
Comfort. Has features making the overall livability more desirable such as consistent temperatures and improved air quality. Comfort
Eco-friendly. Has a reduced impact on the environment Eco Friendly
Healthy. Reduced contaminants and/or improved ventilation Healthy
Low-maintenance. Has longer lasting features and/or less frequent maintenance required Low Maintenance
Market resale potential. Has features often equated with a premium resale value Market Resale Potential
Quality. Includes certifications, enhanced building techniques and materials. Quality
Technology. Includes smart and automated features Technology
Potential Benefits:
LEED Certified
- Cost Savings because they are designed to use less energy than a traditionally built home.
- Health Benefits of improved air quality with minimal toxins, pollutants, by using high-efficiency air filters.

Water Filter System
- Cost Savings of between $400-$700 on water bottles/yr for a family of 4.
- Health Benefits include filtering out unsafe chlorine and other unsafe chemicals from water.
- Eco Benefits include reduced numbers of water bottles in the landfill and in oceans.

Pre-Finished Flooring
- Eco Benefits are that far less solid hardwood is used than typical wood floors.

Home Automation System
- Cost Savings vary, but coupled with smart bulbs and thermostats, Home Automation systems save energy, cut utility costs over time, and monitor water usage helping to prevent exorbitant water bills.


LEED Version: LEED-HOMES v2008
Level: Gold
Score: 85.0
Date: 2018-05-08


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