10059 E Naranja Ave, Mesa, AZ 85209


Living area size:
Building year:
Landscape & Patio:
Xeriscaping or No Turf Yard
Energy sources:
Solar system, Owned Solar System
Gas Stove
Ventilation & Air Quality:
Ceiling Fans
Electric Car Charging Station:
Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Walk Score Value:

Sage Features (eco & smart)

Sage Score:
The Sage Score is a measure of a home’s overall features. 31
Livability Categories:
Cost Savings. Features which reduce the maintenance & utility costs Cost Savings
Eco-friendly. Has a reduced impact on the environment Eco Friendly
Low-maintenance. Has longer lasting features and/or less frequent maintenance required Low Maintenance
Market resale potential. Has features often equated with a premium resale value Market Resale Potential
Potential Benefits:
Solar system
- Cost Savings of up to $750/year or $15000 over 20yrs on energy costs.
- Eco Benefits with reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Gas Stove
- Cost Savings of 10% to 30% to operate compared to electric.

Xeriscaping or No Turf Yard
- Eco Benefits include a reduced or eliminated need for supplemental water from irrigation.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station
- Cost Savings of roughly $860/yr in fuel costs.
- Health Benefits include improved air quality with less health problems and costs caused by air pollution. EVs are also quieter than petrol/diesel vehicles, which means less noise pollution.
- Eco Benefits include reducing the emissions that contribute to climate change and smog and allowing greater diversity of fuel choices available for transportation.


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