How to Improve a Listing's Sage Score

Simply put, the more details you provide on your listing’s features the greater the opportunity you have to improve its Sage Score.

The Sage Score considers certifications, energy efficiency, building quality, community features, and hundreds more aspects of a home. 

  1. Log in, create your account, or “claim your account” on your listing.
  2. Once you are logged in, select “My Listings” in the drop-down box on the top left corner
  3. Select the pencil icon to edit your listing.
  4. Select as many additional details you can under the following tabs "Overview",  "Details" and "Documents and Gallery"
  5. Click "Next" or "Save Your Work" on each page.


Check out how the Sage Score Marketing Materials can showcase your listing's features and benefits and provide you with all the materials you need to make your listing a success!

The package includes a custom flyer, a certificate, explanation about the home’s benefits, displays for various rooms (if applicable) and documentation to present to lenders, appraisers, and home inspectors on the home’s potential benefits and potential increased market value.